
There are two ways to install nnodes: PYPI and GitHub. The default version of nnodes require Python 3.10 or later, but a GitHub branch for older Python versions is also available.

PYPI (Python >= 3.10)#

pip install nnodes


Installing from GitHub offers more flexibility. You can optionally install in editable mode (add -e after pip install) so that the changes you make to the Git directory will directly reflect to the nnodes Python module.

main branch is recommended for most users and is the default branch.

git clone
cd nnodes
pip install .

devel branch is offers that latest improvements but is not stable. Use for testing only.

git clone --branch=devel

3.7 branch is a temporary solution for users using Python 3.7 - 3.9, but is not fully tested.

git clone --branch=3.7